AO Edited
Kunstwerk 't Draaiend Huys
Tilburg, Netherlands
What looks like an ordinary house from the outside is actually a rotating sculpture.
At first glance, this just looks like an ordinary house.
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On a roundabout in the city of Tilburg there is an unusual piece of art. Artist John Körmeling designed this structure to rotate slowly around a circular track on the roundabout. It was completed in 2008 but designed to resemble Dutch houses from the ’60s and ’70s in style.
The building looks stationary at any point in time, but if you returned to it after a few hours you will find it facing a completely different part of the road. Lights inside the building turn on at night.
Know Before You Go
The house is not accessible to the public or inhabitable. Nevertheless, anyone can see it from the side of the roundabout. Sometimes the house does not turn due to malfunction.
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